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Xavier Catholic Education Trust
We are very proud to be a founder member of the first multi-academy trust in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton. Alongside our colleagues in the other 13 Catholic schools from the Deaneries of Weybridge, Woking & Guildford, we hope to provide greater learning opportunities for all children. By working collaboratively under a common vision, sharing best practice & resources & strengthening our links across each parish community, we believe the children of all 13 schools will benefit.
Our partner schools are:
- Cardinal Newman Catholic Primary, Hersham
- Salesian School, Chertsey
- St Alban's Catholic Primary, Molesey
- St Anne's Catholic Primary, Chertsey
- St Augustine's Catholic Primary, Frimley
- St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary, Weybridge
- St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Primary, Cranleigh
- St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary, Knaphill
- St John The Baptist School, Woking
- St Peter's School, Guildford
- St Polycarp's Catholic Primary, Farnham
- St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary, Guildford
- The Marist Catholic Primary, West Byfleet
For more information on the Xavier Catholic Education Trust,
please click on the following link: http://www.xaviercet.org.uk