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Wednesday 10th June

Good Morning Year 6,

Welcome to Wednesday.  I'm sitting here by the window and I can hear the baby birds in the tree outside cheeping away, I think they are waiting for mum or dad to come back with some food. We had a visitor in Year 6 the other day. A tiny fledgling flew in and then spent a good hour and half cheeping and fluttering about trying to get out. It went under the lockers, behind the new cupboard, flew into the window, landed on my arm a couple of times and finally decided to sit in the wires under my desk (perhaps it thought it was a bit like a nest). It finally made an escape thanks to a bit of help, and I watched it fly up into the vines outside the Y6 window.  



Here are today's tasks

Joe Wicks PE click here Or a sporting/exercise activity of your choice.

Maths  - White Rose Maths video at click here on substitution ( a continuation of the this week's work on Algebra). There is also an extra challenge - a new maths mystery – The Mystery of the Mixed Up Football Shirts -  which I have emailed to you.

Special Mission – Start work on Page 7 – Learning Something New – With this piece I want you to focus on the transferrable skills needed to learn something new. In order to develop a new skill, you must be determined, focused, positive, hard-working, creative and patient and just like the fledgling, able to keep trying, even if you aren't successful first time! These are all skills that will be very useful in secondary school and beyond. All details are on the Special Mission sheet for this week. 

In the afternoon  

Whole School Learning – Today, I suggest going to the Science page of Home School Learning to choose an activity to complete if you can. These activities relate nicely to the leaf artwork which was set a few weeks ago.

I hope you have a great day! 

Mrs Holt x