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Tuesday 24th March

Good morning Year 3.

I can see some of the great online work you did yesterday. Fantastic!

So work for today...


Watch this video link for you today. Go to:

You will need to watch Lesson 4- count in tenths. There is an activity to complete and the answers are there for your parents. The activity and answers are also below, but you will need to click on the link for the video lesson. You do not need to print off the sheets. It is up to you. You can just write out the answers neatly in your book. 


Below is a powerpoint with the spellings you have to learn for this week. I have added these spellings to Spelling Shed. Ask someone to test you next Tuesday. Complete the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check!, the word search, and the handwriting sheet. These are below, if they are missing from your pack. I shall add these spellings to spelling shed. 

Make a start on your Africa project. This can be many pages long! Choose a country of your choice. If I were to choose, I would choose Kenya, and I would have subheadings like Animals, People, The Masai, Nairobi, Major Landmarks, Coast, Game Reserves etc. What country are you going to do? Can you research that country? Put your English skills from the last term into use, and make sure you use headings, subheadings, pictures, diagrams, labels, etc. 

Pm - Art and DT - Have a go at the filling in some of the Artist booklet in your home learning pack.

Make sure to get some fresh air, even if it's only opening a window, and do some exercise, inside if there's no other option. This is so important!