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Tuesday 24th March

Good morning Year 5.

I can see some of the great online work you did yesterday- some great scores on expanded noun phrases (Joseph got 100%) and Alena scored 100% on a touch typing activity on Purple Mash. I sent you all an email on Purple Mash, so check your 2mail.

So work for today...


See 30 tables questions below for you to complete- time yourself so that you can aim to beat your core next week.

Watch this video link for your today. You will need to watch Lesson 2- decimals as fractions. There is an activity to complete and the answers are there for your parents.

I have set a maths task on Purple Mash for you.


Below is a powerpoint with the spellings you have to learn for this week. I have added these spellings to Spelling Shed. Ask someone to test you on Friday.

Read Chapter 17 of The Street Child. Make notes on the main events. Divide a page in your book into 4, illustrate four of the things that happen. Underneath each picture write a description of what is happening.

Remember to complete some tasks from your project grid in your book, make sure you get some fresh air and do some exercise outside.

I have added a Victorian book to read on Purple Mash. You will find it in your 2do list. You need to read the first chapter and then answer the questions.