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Tuesday 23rd June


If you are ready to return your whole pack of reading books, please do so today, in the drop box (if wet, on the sofa in Reception area by the offices or if dry, on the front porch by the main entrance). Please take your time though with the books - there is no expectation for you to return them every week! If you think the books are too difficult or too easy, then please let me know. Packs to go out will be on Thursday.


Spelling Test - Please either do a written test or take yourself over to spelling shed and complete it on there. Good luck! Your friends at school will be trying to beat you on the leader boards, and get really excited when they see your name. Let's get some competition going!


WALT: Compare Angles

Attachments below. Use the video if you need anything explained in more detail.

Compare Angles Video - Click here


English / History

Your project this week is going to be writing an information leaflet about the Colosseum in Rome, as though you lived in Roman times. This is a three day English project. You can start with a draft or put your ideas together, before presenting your booklet. It is up to you whether you type or write your brochure.

I'VE RECORDED THIS BUT AM HAVING TROUBLE UPLOADING. I WILL PUT THIS UP AT HOME THIS EVENING. HOPEFULLY YOU HAVE ENOUGH TO BE GETTING ON WITH TODAY. IT HAS NOW BEEN UP FOR WEDNESDAY'S WORK.I  will put up a short video here on Tuesday morning to show you an example that a child did last year, so you are clear what you need to do.

The Colosseum, in Rome, in Ancient Roman Times, is trying to attract new people to go.

Design a leaflet for The Colosseum, that will attract new customers.

The leaflet should persuade people to go.

What will you write to help boost sales?

You will need to research facts about the Colosseum. What interesting facts about The Colosseum (during Roman times) can you find out? You will also need to research how leaflets work. What features do they have? The attachments below will help you with this.

Some subheadings for your leaflet might be:

  • Introduction (Why should people visit the Colosseum? Impress the reader with some amazing facts!)
  • Accommodation (be inventive with this. See if you can use some Roman names for places to stay.
  • Attractions and Sights (the gladiators and animals, the sea battles)
  • Refreshments and Snacks (find out what the Romans liked to eat.)
  • Tickets  (how much do they cost? You need to research this!)
  •  Address and Transport. How to find the Colosseum  (Research the real address of the Colosseum. Then research which modes of transport Romans used).


I would suggest the first step, to do today, is look at some brochures (you can use the attachments below) to see the features of them. Then research the Colosseum in Roman times. You might like to use The Colosseum Reading Comprehension as a reading and writing activity today. I recommend using it as your written piece of work today, as you start thinking about doing a leaflet. Good luck!