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Thursday 4th March

Good morning everyone!

Activity 1

Today is World Book Day, a special celebration of books, authors, illustrators and readers – that’s you!

We are going to celebrate world book day today and when you come back to school, so two celebrations – how exciting!

Do you have a favourite book at home? If so, go and get it.

You are going to be an illustrator. Can you draw a picture of the cover of your book? Write the title of the book and the name of the illustrator.

Activity 2

Do you like treasure hunts? We are going to play a fun game called 'book scavenger hunt'.

You will need to use lots of books from home, ask mummy if it’s ok for you to get them out. Look in the books to find each thing on the list – these could be words or pictures. Then, tick the box to show you’ve found it! You can scroll down to print this sheet.

Activity 3

Today’s Maths is based on a story book. Click on the link to enjoy…


Scroll down to print off a follow up activity, here are two to choose from or you can do both.



As it's World Book Day I thought it would be really nice to make something that we can use with books. We are going to make a bookmark. Click on this fun video to find out how...

Alternatively, design a book mark of your own. Check out these cool designs...