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Summer Term Week 12


Wow! We have made it to the end of the summer term. Year 5 you have been totally amazing and I am so very proud of every single one of you. This is the only picture I have where we are all together!

This week we are going to think about your transition into Year 6- you will be top of the school. You have already shown great independence and responsibility with your home learning so I know you will make one of the best Year 6 classes we have ever had. 

I have designed all your work this week to get you ready for September but also to look back on all the fabulous things you have achieved while being in Year 5- it has been quite a year. We shall be making our own memory book to celebrate the year we have spent in Year 5. Make sure you really make this book special, it is something for you to keep to remember a very different school year! Use the book I gave you on Friday for all your work this week, except Maths. Make sure your work is well presented and everything you do is special. When your book is finished I would like you to bring it into school so that I can see all the fabulous work that you do. 

The first thing you need to do is create a front cover for your new book- you could use a collage of pictures, clip art, photos and drawings. Make sure your name is on the cover and you include the title of your book- Year 5- A Trip Down Memory Lane. 

We will continue with maths work this week but our English work will be a little bit different, I have planned some different activities for you to complete. Each day I shall upload a planner for you to choose some transition activities to work through. You don't have to complete every single one- but your Year 5 memory book would look great full of fabulous text and pictures. There are four tasks for you to complete everyday.  You can write in your book (the pages are blank so make sure you think about how you could write in different ways- I included a line guide in your pack) or you could use the computer. As a suggestion, don't write or stick anything on the back of each page, that will keep your book very special.  I think your book would look amazing if you did a mixture of both written tasks and tasks completed on the computer. 

Enjoy this week work hard and then I shall give you six weeks off!