School Development Plan
The School Improvement and Development Plan describes the needs of the school in terms of premises, resources, staffing and curriculum. It has been structured in accordance with the revised Ofsted framework for inspection so priorities are grouped under the Ofsted category headings. This plan has been compiled with the aim of ensuring that the priorities identified will improve the overall efficiency of the school and provide for the needs of all children spiritually, socially, morally, physically and academically, thereby having a positive impact on the standards children attain.
The 2023/24 plan targets areas for improvement based on the following:
The Ofsted Evaluation Schedule for Schools & Inspection handbook published in September 2022.
- Detailed analysis of the current strengths of the school and areas/opportunities for enhancement
- Views of staff, governors, parents, parish and pupils.
- Carefully analysed data of key stage 1 and 2 SAT results together with progress data across the school.
- Analysis of current innovations and latest strategies in the delivery of high quality education
- Shared best practise from other schools.
Future plans for the next financial year and beyond, presented in the Head teacher’s vision statement, show the general direction the Head and governors are leading the school towards. Detailed action for these plans is arrived at after extensive research and a process of consultation with the school’s partners.
The Finance Committee will use this document to allocate sums of money for this financial year and it is expected that they will agree to most of the proposals, subject to ratification by the full governing body. It is important to state that we regard this as a working document, which is regularly reviewed and updated. We find it perfectly acceptable to change priorities during the year or make additions. We believe this makes us sensitive to the needs of the school and its pupils.