SEND Provision and Inclusion Support at Holy Family
“A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person.
And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints….” Pope Benedict XVI, 2010
On this page you can find the Xavier Catholic Education Trust's SEND policy and our school's Information Report which gives specific details about our SEND provision. There are also links to the Surrey Local Offer (this contains information about services in Surrey relating to special educational needs and disabilities) and other useful websites. There is also a link to a directory of services available to parents and carers in Surrey. There are a variety of these available based on varying needs that you may wish to learn about. You can simply search in the directory or browse through all of them.
In line with our Mission statement, Holy Family is an inclusive school, and we are committed to the education of all pupils in our school, whatever their ability and whatever their special educational needs and /or disability.
We believe that all children have an equal right to a full and rounded education which will enable them to achieve their full potential - academically; socially; physically; spiritually and emotionally.
Access to the curriculum
All children have an entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to meet individual children’s needs.
Wave 1 – Quality First Teaching is an entitlement for every child. Lessons have clear learning objectives, are differentiated to meet individual pupils needs and assessment is used to inform the next stage of learning.
Wave 2 – Some pupils require extra support to ‘catch up’ with their peers –this may be in small groups or 1:1 support.
Wave 3 – some pupils will require additional support for a specific need, such as Speech, Language and Communication. They may be withdrawn for 1:1 or small group specific support.
We support children in a manner that acknowledges their entitlement to share the same learning experiences that their peers enjoy. For the majority of their time, this will be in the classroom situation. However, sometimes to maximise learning, we ask the children to work in small groups or in a one-to-one situation outside the classroom.
Our Inclusion Team:
Our Inclusion Manager is Mrs S Ferryman, supported by Mrs M Tindall. Should you wish to contact them then please do so through the school office. They can be contacted on
Our inclusion and intervention teacher is Mrs Hannah Clark. Hannah is also the staff mental health champion.
Alongside our team of 11 Learning Support Assistants, the Inclusion Team manages and delivers the following interventions:
Tracks Literacy
Nessy Reading and Spelling
Hands on Maths
Lego Therapy
Time to Talk
Drawing and Talking
Zones of Regulation
Specific Speech and Language Therapy
Little Wandle Daily Catch Up
Little Wandle Rapid Catch Up
Useful links:
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities - A Guide for Parents
The Department for Education Parent Guide to SEND Support
Directory of services available to parents