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Remote Learning Plan

In the event of a whole school closure or a year group “bubble” having to isolate at home our school will make continuing provision in the following ways:

- Wherever possible, children will be taught online via “live-lessons” using Microsoft Teams. This provision will be supplemented with additional work set via the Home Learning link on the school website and links to the Oak National Academy curriculum.
- Families who are unable to access suitable technology will receive support from the school either to access a borrowed device and where these are not available provided with alternative resources.
- All online learning and teaching will be carried out in accordance with the updated Xavier CET Safeguarding policy.

Our staff will:

- Be available online for at least half of every normal school day
- Teach lessons as per the normal school timetable and curriculum
- Set aside time each day to offer additional support to pupils who are struggling
- Provide each pupil with individual feedback on a weekly basis

Our pupils/students will be expected to:

- Be present online each morning from 9am to 3pm. This period will include break times and allocated slots for independent learning
- Abide by the normal expectations of pupils in the classroom
- Submit work online for assessment to teachers as requested

Parents are responsible for:

- Ensuring that children are able to access home learning and that where possible they have a suitable space to do this from
- Ensuring that children are present each day between the hours of 9am and 3pm and appropriately supervised
- Ensuring that everyone in their household understands and complies with the Xavier CET Safeguarding policy

Vulnerable and Key Worker Children

In certain situations where the school has not been forced to close completely, limited provision will be made in school for vulnerable children and those where both parents carry out certain key worker roles. Holy Family will allocate places in line with the Xavier guidelines, ensuring all requests are assessed compassionately and fairly on an individual basis.

Remote Provision Details

Name of platform and access- Microsoft Teams, children access via parent email

Numbers of hours of remote provision, including teaching and independent learning by Key Stage
Key Stage 1- 4.75 hours per day
Key Stage 2- 5.25 hours per day

Forms of Remote Learning– videos from teachers, external providers such as Oak academy and White Rose Maths, live session 2-3 times a day (age & activity dependent).

Feedback commitment – this is offered verbally at each live drop-in session and formally at least once weekly in English & maths. EYFS feedback is ongoing daily via Tapestry

Engagement monitoring – regular contact is made with the children via morning & afternoon registration and live teaching sessions. Teachers assess the level of activity in sessions/work submitted/attendance at ‘breakout’ sessions and will make additional phone calls home if they have any concerns. We will always make parents aware of concerns and offer full support to address these.

Parents with specific concerns regarding accessing the provision (e.g. no suitable equipment/ connection) or challenges engaging (e.g. SEND) are asked to contact the school to make suitable arrangements.

Communication between school and home will predominantly be carried out via email but the school phone line will continue to be in use during normal opening hours regardless of any school closure. Given the volume of communication that is likely to go during any school closure, please give careful consideration before contacting the school. Most parental queries can be answered by referring to information on the school website.