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PE & Sport Premium

Evidencing the impact of the PE and Sport Premium at Holy Family Catholic Primary School.

See the attached document for full details of how our Sport's Premium money of £17,580 has been allocated. This is a summary of the main points to be addressed over the next 12 months (2023 - 2024).

Professional Development 

Ongoing Professional learning/CPD for whole staff on physical literacy

Membership of Youth Sports Trust  

Membership of Active Surrey

Subscription to GetSet4PE teaching programme

Subscription to Teach Active programme

Curriculum Development 

Further enhance, develop & implement a PE curriculum that is broad and engaging for all and meets the requirements of the national curriculum

PE specialist teacher to work alongside staff, through focused, immersive staff meetings, to support and enhance teaching across the school

Purchase new resources and equipment to enhance delivery of high quality PE lessons



Achievement of pupils 

Ensure full half-term assessment of all pupils in PE in line with other subjects across the curriculum

Implement the Youth Sport Trust 'Life Skills' Award across the school, so all children fully understand how essential personal characteristics are developed and improved through a high quality PE curriculum

Create a paired observation strategy to ensure consistent judgements are made – PE observation & feedback included on learning walks, drop-in observations and formal appraisal observations

Extra Curricular activity 

Audit, plan and develop before school, lunch and after school activities, using volunteers, staff and coaches, as well as Y6 sports leaders & Y5 Sports Crew

Further improve and develop the young sports leaders programme including training of Year 5 children as 'Sports Crew' members

Increase the number of extracurricular opportunities where possible

Implement a promotion campaign to ensure the very small number of children who did not attend sports clubs last year join in this year

Use monitoring tool to analyse participation and attendance rates

Supporting talented children of low income families in attending extracurricular sports clubs

Competitive opportunities 

Promote competitive opportunities for all pupils across school (year 1 – 6) in both intra and interschool formats - review the house competition opportunities for all children

Implement a reward system that celebrates achievements in sport based on the key school games values e.g. honesty, teamwork, self-belief, respect, passion, determination

Ensure that all sports coaches and instructors employed to support after school sports clubs are quality assured

Extend links with community clubs

Plan, host and run a sports/physical activity event for Year 3&4 children in schools within the Xavier Catholic Education Trust

Plan, host and run multi-skills festivals for KS1 involving local schools

Awareness of healthy lifestyles 

Develop and implement a healthy active lifestyle programme via the Youth Sport Trust Life Skills scheme & Xavier CET Lifestyle medicine project

Further develop and implement a young sports leaders programme

Re-plan and re-organise playground play and activity options through new equipment and careful zoning of the playground


Engaging the least active 

Identify and target those children who are the least active in a new physical activity programme that includes pupil consultation and parental engagement

Further develop our whole school approach to rewarding pupils, building on sport values to improve school ethos and pupils social and moral development.


Figures are accurate for 2018 - 2019 & 2021 - 2022, 2022 - 2023

Figures for 2019 - 2020 & 2020 - 2021 unfortunately, are incomplete due to the school lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Over 90% of all children in the school represented the school in a competitive sports event.

100% of KS1 children took part in at least one inter-school sports event.

92% of upper KS2 children represented the school in at least one sporting event.

85% of KS2 children represented the school in at least one sporting event.

The school fielded teams in nine different sports during 2018- 2023.

96% of KS2 children attended at least one extracurricular sports club during 2021 - 2022. This was 100% for Upper KS2.

90% of children across the whole school (Year 1 - Year 6) attended at least one extracurricular sports club during 2022 - 2023

Extracurricular clubs/opportunities were offered in 12 different sports during 2022 - 2023 (football, girls football, netball, cross-country, athletics, judo, dance, ballet, dodgeball, fun & fitness, multi-skills, acrobatics)

75% of KS2 children regularly attend external sports clubs, including football, netball, rugby, swimming, gymnastics, Irish dancing, ballet, dance (tap, modern, jazz, street), ice-skating, karate, judo, horse riding, cycling, athletics, cricket, hockey

All 30 Year 6 children were trained and operated as sports leaders during the year.  Year 6 sports leaders set up a dance club for KS2 children. 

During the last 5 years, children from Year 5&6 have attended major events to interview sports personalities and learn about sport in the media. These included trips to Sky Sports Studios, BMW PGA Golf Championship at Wentworth Golf Club and The British Masters Golf Championship at The Grove Golf Club. 

We have also enjoyed a very high level of success in a range of sporting competitions and tournaments at district (ERPSSA), county (Surrey) and national level Our performances over the last 6 years are highlighted below:


ERPSSA Under 11 Small Schools Netball League Winners (2018)

ERPSSA Under 10 Small Schools Netball League Winners (2018)

ERPSSA Under 10 Small Schools Netball League Winners (2019)

ERPSSA Under 10  Netball Rally Winners (2019)

**No competitive sport in 2020 or 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic**

ERPSSA Under 11 Netball Rally Runners-Up (2022)


ERPSSA Under 10 Small Schools Football League  Winners (2018)

ERPSSA Under 11 Small Schools Football League Winners (2019)

**No competitive sport in 2020 or 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic**

ERPSSA Under 10 Small Schools Football Plate Winners (2022)

ERPSSA Under 11 Small Schools Football Plate Winners (2022)

ERPSSA Under 11 Girls' Football Tournament Winners (2022)

Surrey County Under 11 Girls' Football Tournament Runners-Up (2022)

ERPSSA Under 11 Girls' Football Cup Winners (2023)

Chelsea FC Under 11 Girls' Regional tournament Runners-Up (2023)

ERPSSA Under 11 Small Schools Football Plate Winners (2023)

ERPSSA Under 9 Football Festival Winners (2024)


ERPSSA Under 8 Small Schools District Sports Winners (2018)

ERPSSA Under 10 Small Schools District Sports Winners (2018)

ERPSSA Small Schools District Sports Winners (2018)

ERPSSA Sportshall Athletics Runnymede Schools Winners (2018)

ERPSSA Under 11 Small Schools District Sports Winners (2019)

ERPSSA Small Schools District Sports Winners (2019)

**No competitive sport in 2020 or 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic**

ERPSSA Sportshall Athletics Runnymede Schools Winners (2022)

ERPSSA Sportshall Athletics Runnymede Schools Winners (2023)

ERPSSA Under 8 Small Schools District Sports Winners (2023)

ERPSSA Sportshall Athletics Runnymede Schools Winners (2024)

ERPSSA Under 8 Small Schools District Sports Winners (2024)

ERPSSA Under 9 Small Schools District Sports Winners (2024)

ERPSSA Small Schools District Sports Winners (2024)


ERPSSA Panathlon Competition Winners (2019)

Surrey Panathlon County Final Winners (2019)

Panathlon National Group 1 Winners (2019)

**No competitive sport in 2020 or 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic**

ERPSSA Panathlon Competition Winners (2022)

Runnymede Panathlon Competition Winners (2024)

Surrey Panathlon County Final Winners (2024)

In 2017 Holy Family was one of the first 2 schools in Surrey and one of the first 100 in England to be awarded the prestigious School Games Platinum Award for high quality PE & Sport provision.

In 2019, Holy Family was the first school in Surrey to be awarded the Platinum award for the second time.

Holy Family Awarded the prestigious Youth Sports Trust Gold Award for high quality PE & Sport provision

Holy Family was selected by The Youth Sports Trust, Sport England & Association of Physical Education as a national best practise case study school for highly effective use of sports premium funding.

Holy Family was chosen as a national best practise case study school for the Teach Active maths programme 'Maths of the Day'

Holy Family chosen as the lead ambassador school for GetSet4PE teaching & learning national PE scheme for schools

Holy Family was chosen as one of the first two lead ambassador schools for Teach Active, a national teaching & learning programme.

Facilities have been improved during the last four years due to a successful bid for the Big Lottery Fund. Netball courts were resurfaced and painted. A long jump pit and daily mile track was installed thanks to a successful bid to The London Marathon Charitable Trust.

A rigorous programme of CPD and paired teaching was used to increase the skills of specific staff in order to build a sustainable small PE team.

A new PE assessment programme was purchased and implemented to ensure accurate monitoring, leading to progress for all.

Pupil voice feedback highlights an increase in confidence, enjoyment, self-esteem and attainment both in sport and increasingly in the classroom,