Monday 30th March
Good morning Year 5, below are your Maths and English tasks for today.
I hope you all had a great weekend, I can't believe how cold it was. Megan and I did lots of baking.
Remember all your Maths work should go into your Maths Homework book.
Complete an Arithmetic sheet first (15-30mins)
We are going to recap some work on decimals and complete the questions today we are rounding decimals. Watch the video and complete the questions in the link first. Then there are some more questions to complete about rounding decimals. The answer sheet is for your parents to use when you have finished.
Lesson 1 Step 6- Rounding Decimals
There is also a page of Maths questions for you to complete- Rounding Decimals. Try and complete as much of the sheet as you can in 45 minutes. (Parents there is an answer sheet attached)
Complete a grammar task on Look back at the answers you get wrong. The task is based on linking ideas.
Read Luke's story about the temptation of Jesus. I have attached it below- Luke 4 1-12. I have also added a powerpoint animation if you want to watch it.
Then design a booklet on "Lent". Include the following: how long it lasts, what we do during Lent, why it is an important time for Christians. Make links with the Temptation of Jesus.
At 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock there will be a question for you to think about on Purple Mash. Remember to read and answer the question- answers should start with capital letters and the rest of the punctuation should be correct, remember I approve all your posts.
Try and do some exercise today- Joe Wicks is doing daily workouts at 9am, the sun is shining so try to do some exercise in the garden too.
We usually do art on a Monday so this afternoon you could complete one of the tasks in your ARTist Challenge booklet.
Have a lovely day! Drop me an email on Purple Mash today to let me know what you did at the weekend.
Happy Monday,
Mrs O'Neil
PS Don't forget to read Arthur's blog! He will update it when I get home tonight.