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Monday 22nd June

Good morning!

Hello everyone and I hope you are all well? I think there may have been some confusion over the webinar last week. I will be working to clear this up today and I probably will need to arrange a new time, so keep your eyes peeled out for a email with the new day and time. Thank you. 

English - Handwriting and Reading

This morning at school we will be starting our morning with doing the handwriting sheet (from last Thursday, so well done if you've already done it!), and I'll also be giving the children some time to read a book of their own choice. Perhaps you can do this at home too? Please just make sure you are ready for tomorrow's spelling test. Have you made progress with the words since you first encountered them? If you're feeling confident with your spellings, why don't you try the first handwriting pangram (of 3) of the attachment below. Send it in to me if you're really proud of it and how your handwriting is developing!


I'd really like you to think of all the positive things Lockdown has brought for you. If it's been difficult, perhaps spend the time exploring those difficulties instead, before returning to try and find some positives. It doesn't matter how small those positives are, they all count. I will be adding a blog today on Purplemash, and at school we will go on to the blog to share our positives (around 11.15am). Why don't you come and join us too? Share any positives that you've found, or new things you've enjoyed learning about. I've come across a couple of things that I think make perfect sense for developing skills and are a little bit different, so I will share these there. 

I've added some resources to think about the positives or to talk about the difficulties below. Please choose what you would like to use.


WALT: Identify Right Angles in Shapes

Right Angles Video - Click here

Go on a right angle hunt around your home. They're everywhere once you start looking!