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Monday 1st March

Good morning Year 3. It's the beginning of March, and Spring is in the air. It's also the last week where we are learning from home (fingers crossed for good!), so lets do our very best this week to smash it!

8.45 Teams

Early Morning Work - Word search - you've got a new set of homophone words.

9.15 Teams - Maths - Statistics - Bar Graphs

Maths White Rose Video Link for Bar Graphs

Click here Bar Graphs video

and your worksheet is attached below.

Extension from a Text Book here.

11.00 Teams - English - Short Teams session to go through our spelling words. Please then rejoin for your Guided Reading session that was given to you. This worked really well last week, and it's really useful for me, as your teacher, to hear you read. Have a piece of paper ready, and I will quickly go through the reading session times for everyone, so you know when to rejoin. In this time, I also expect you to write your spelling sentences and to get onto Spelling Shed if you can. 

1.30 Teams - History - The Space Race Week 2

Click here for Tim Peakes video (intended for KS3, so don't get swamped with the language!)