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Monday 15th June

Hello Year 3! Hope you are well? The summer term is whizzing past, and I hope you are enjoying our Romans topic. 


Spend 10 minutes or so reading a book from the scheme - either online through Oxford Owl or from a book from your reading pack. All children now have a reading pack that is available for collection. Please note collection is only on Thursdays. So if you haven't got yours yet, pop along on Thursday to collect it, if you think this would be useful. (When books are returned to us, they will go out of circulation for a week, and will have covers wiped over, hence the need for strict collection and return days).


English / History

This week we will be learning about Roman Society, especially the role of slaves. Your Big Write this week will be an advert, where you describe your qualities as a slave. So lets find out about slaves in Roman times.

Today, I'd like you to look at the attached powerpoint about roman society and slaves. Then, I'd like you to attempt the attached reading comprehension - slave child. You can get someone to read it out to you first, if needed. There is some further information on these clips below, to discover more!

Click here for Roman slaves information

BBC KS2 The Romans - Click on the Slave for radio clip



This is a continuation from Mrs Clay's work set on Friday. Have a go at the white rose sheets. The video is there if needed.

WALT: Add lengths

Maths Add Lengths video


Have a wonderful Monday! Check out the afternoon home learning pages too ;-)

Mrs Willgoose