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On a Monday morning we normally have PE and Music first thing. I thought it would be nice for the children to still take part in some form of excercise. Jump Start Jonny will release free videos on his website every Monday. There are already some free ones to do on there. 


Once you have done some exercise move onto Spag (Spellings, Punctuation and Grammar)- Test the children on the spellings they have learnt. Move on to Adverbs, PowerPoint below. Adverbs sheets should be in your pack. 

Mathematics- Divide by 2- See the PowerPoint saved on the 23rd March Page for the whole week and just look at the divide by 2 slides. The Divide by 2 worsheets will follow on from this and the questions link to what is on the powerpoint. I'll upload the answers too! The sheets contain Fluency questions, then they move onto problem solving and reasoning. See the attachment below to check the order as it has printed back to back. 

RE- Look at the Ash Wednesday Picture- Ask the your child to write about Ash Wednesday signs and symbols. Why do we put ashes on our heads? Can they write about the Ash Wednesday Mass. Write this up in their Home learning book. See attachments below. (Ash Wednesday Prayer 1, 2 and Church's Story) 

Good Luck, 

Mrs Osborn

**edit** The children do not have all the sheets in their pack that is on the website. The children have the right sheets that apply to them. Spag everyone has the 2 star sheet, you can choose to do the 3 star as an extension if you want to. The mathematics sheet is set to the group they are in. Circles have a one star sheet, squares and rectangles have a 2 star sheet and hexagons have a 3 star sheet.