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IOW Blog 2024

If I manage to once again morph into the Blog Bloke when the ferry docks in Fishbourne (and I find my creative brain again), then this will be the place to keep up with all the fast-paced crazy goings-on during the trip.

As always, I will try to capture all the action, funny comments, incredible learning, memorable moments and the many bizarre incidents that are bound to occur throughout the week. There is no plan...there never is; I just tend to watch & listen carefully, then meander from one inane set of ramblings to another and somehow try to hook all of these together into some kind of semi-coherent daily story. It will all depend on the raw material served by Year 6 and anyone else we happen to come across.

I will ensure all the children feature in the blog throughout the week. History tells me, however, that some children will appear in the story more often than others...usually due to the fact that they tend to talk a lot.

Wi-Fi connection permitting, I will try to post early each morning, hopefully a short post around dinner time and then a fuller post later in the evening...but who knows what may happen, so please keep an eye on this page.

The blog is my way of trying to keep you all fully involved whilst your children are away. It is your hard-earned money that has allowed the trip to take place, so, whilst it will be nowhere near as good as being there in person, I hope this particularly crazy story keeps you updated and entertained.

With the weather set to be bright and clear all week, God has done his bit to help us all to enjoy the best trip of our lives. Mrs Holt has planned each day in meticulous detail, and we have an awesome staff team on board, so we are all set to go. After last year's horrific error of leaving the orangutan's behind, locked in Mrs Holt's cupboard, I'm off down the corridor to make sure they are not currently crushed under 100 tonnes of SAT's papers trying to desperately claw their way out with their little suitcases packed. If we leave them behind again this year, I'm certain we'll have the World Wildlife Fund paying us a visit in Sandown.

Until tomorrow, it's bye for now.

Mr Tindall