Hooke Court
The Hooke Court trip is of three days duration. The children spend two nights and three days away. Activities are very much geared towards children in the middle years of Key Stage Two and link directly to the National Curriculum, closely supporting work completed in class. The trip provides a valuable opportunity for the children to spend time away from home in a secure and stimulating environment. It has been specifically chosen as being suitable for those who may not have stayed away from home before and this trip is an important ‘stepping stone’ on the way to the longer residential visit undertaken in Year 6.
Trip dates (Monday 3rd - Wednesday 5th) February 2020
The cost of the trip will be £TBC. This figure is based on 30 children taking part, travelling to and from Hooke Court by coach and accompanied by four adults. This figure may alter slightly, if a smaller number of children wish to take part in the trip.
If you wish, you can pay in instalments according to the following dates.
Please make cheques payable to ‘Holy Family School’, or alternatively the trip can be paid for via our school website.