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Here you will be able to find the homework for each week.

In Year 2 your child will have weekly Maths and Spelling homework. Your child will receive a hard copy in their homework book but if they lose it or are absent please look here to find the resources and keep up to date with their homework. Your child is also expected to read regularly at home. They will have a reading record where you should record when they read and their strengths and weaknesses during each session.

Spellings should be practiced at home throughout the week. This can be done in their spelling books or on spelling shed. Your child must have their spelling book in school on a Monday. We will do our spelling test on Monday's and new spellings will be sent out the same day. Children who get 10/10 in their spelling test will get a gold star on our spelling chart and house points will be awarded for good effort. prettypartyplace Gold Star 12" Cutout - 1 Dozen Gold Foil Cardboard Star  Cutouts : Home & Kitchen

Maths | Hillview School Tonbridge Kent UK

Maths homework will be given out every Wednesday. Please return maths books on a Monday morning so that they can be marked before the new homework goes out. Your child's maths homework will be based around the maths topic we are learning or be for consolidating something taught before. If your child struggles at home, please use the homework book as a place to make notes and let me know what they found difficult. That way I can support them going forward. I try to change up the format of maths homework, please be prepared for some active maths homework or baking when we learn about measuring grams! In these instances where there is no written evidence of homework, any photos that you could take and stick into your homework book would be lovely to see!

Young Adults Don't Read. Here's What We Can Do About It. | EdSurge News

This year I would really like to stress the importance of quality reading over the quantity of books your child reads. In your reading records you will find a list of useful questions to ask your child whilst they are reading. Each time they read, you should choose one theme e.g. predicting, and choose a few relevant questions from that list to ask during your child's reading time. Evidencing the questions you have asked and your child's answer in their reading record is really useful for me. When reading with your child, please try and find time to really sit and listen to them without other distractions. If they make mistakes encourage them to correct these themselves and always prompt them to use their phonics when they are stuck. Your child may bring the same book home a few times. This is because books are brilliant resources with so many elements. By rereading a book, you are able to focus on different parts of the book at different times. This helps a child's development in so many ways and I will give them a new reading book when I feel they are ready. I will also assess them at the end of every half-term (or sooner if I feel it is required) and move their book band when necessary, but please be patient with me on this.

KS2 SPaG Display Title - Primary Resource (teacher made)

SpaG homework will be given every Monday along with the spelling homework. It will be linked to the children's learning each week and should be completed and handed in the next Monday. SPaG stands for spelling, punctuation and grammar. The main punctuation of Year 2 is capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks, question marks, commas and apostrophes.