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Holy Family...the ideal family

Francesca (Year 3) wrote this wonderful recipe for the ideal family during a RE lesson. Alongside the fabulous vocabulary, Francesca has included the fantastic human qualities that sparkle at Holy Family. Read along and enjoy...

Begin with five grams of LOVE that lasts forever,

Add ten KIND, lovely words.

Mix well then add nine spoonfuls of LAUGHTER and a pinch of HAPPINESS.

Whisk in some CUDDLES, give eight KISSES and sprinkle in some FRIENDSHIP.

Melt in some squidgy CUDDLES then add two spoonfuls of CARE, three millimetres of RESPECT, one bowl of KINDNESS and one cheeky SMILE.

Pour in some FUN and finally add FAMILY!

So there it is...Francesca's perfect recipe for the ideal family. How many of these qualities have you shared at Holy Family today?