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English in Year 5

Reading in Year Five

By the end of year 5, the children's reading should demonstrate increasing fluency across all subjects. They will understand the conventions of different types of writing such as the use of the first person and understand some technical terms needed for discussing what is heard and read such as metaphor, simile. analogy, imagery, style and effect. In using non-fiction, the children will know what information is needed to look for before beginning a task and know how to use a contents page and indexes to locate information and apply these skills across the curriculum independently. They will apply a growing knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes (morphology and etymology) both to read aloud and to understand the meaning of new words that are met. 

Writing and SPaG in Year Five

In the composition of writing, the children will select the appropriate form and identify the audience for, and purpose of, the writing. They will use further organisational and presentational devices to structure text and to guide the reader, for example headings, bullet points and underlining.

When developing SPaG skills, the children will consider converting nouns or adjectives into verbs and be able to indicate degrees of possibility using adverbs or modal verbs. They will use devices to build cohesion within a paragraph and use commas to clarify meaning.

By the end of year 5, the children will use accurate grammar and punctuation and begin to apply this when considering both audience and purpose. They will understand the differences between standard English and non-standard English and can apply what has been learnt.