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Disclosure and Barring Service checks
Visitors to the school do not require a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check (formerly CRB), but must sign in upon arrival and wear a "visitors pass" at all times.
Classroom volunteers who are not left with children unsupervised do not need to have a DBS check either. However, if you want to help in the classroom and have "regular, unsupervised contact" with the children then you will need to have DBS check (if you are unsure please speak to the Office Manager). We are pleased to say that this can now been done online. Go to https://disclosure.capitarvs.co.uk/babcocksupportservices
The school/organisation unique reference number is 9363441 and
the password is seb2007 (case sensitive).
Instructions on how to complete the online form can be found under School Information/Child Protection/CRB checks. (Please note that the updated advice is for you to choose "classroom helper" for the "position applied for" field).
When you have completed the online application form, you will still need to bring your ID and payment (£7, cheques payable to "Holy Family School") to the school as before. Information on what documentation you must bring in can be found on pages 4 to 7 of the Applicants Guidance.
If you have any queries about helping in school, please contact the school office.
Please note that all CRB or DBS holders must come into school at least once a term to keep the check valid during this time.