Creative Curriculum
“A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person.
And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints….” Pope Benedict XVI, 2010
Children at Holy Family are engaged and inspired to learn through the careful and rigorous planning of a creative curriculum. Teachers plan activities and learning opportunities around a central theme and then integrate literacy, maths, history, science, geography, computing, music, drama, PE & dance, art and design & technology to bring the learning to life. By linking the different subject areas to the central theme, children are more easily able to contextualise their learning. To find out more about individual subjects at Holy Family, please visit the relevant subject pages by clicking on the tabs to the right.
Teachers make frequent use of our interactive multi-sensory room 'The Space' to help children experience the topic in as much vivid detail as possible. Visiting speakers, workshops, school trips or special learning days may also be included to help extend and deepen the children's learning. Children enjoy learning in this way and the impact of the curriculum has helped lead to very positive outcomes at the end of each key stage.
Teachers will also use a wide variety of teaching & learning styles and opportunities to allow all children to fully access learning at all times. This may include use of technology such as laptops/learn pads, role play, debates or discussions, practical or investigative activities, experiments, outdoor learning or art. At different times of every day, children may be asked to work independently, with a learning partner or as part of a group. They may experience learning which is teacher-led, peer-led or may come from themselves through research or reading.
Our creative curriculum encourages teachers to 'think outside the box' and make learning as relevant as possible to the experiences, skills, knowledge and interests of the children in their care. Through our creative curriculum we aim to inspire our children so they become resilient, adaptable, imaginative, determined, creative and productive in all they do. We aim to create within every child a burning passion for learning which will hopefully inspire them for life.
To find out more information about the creative curriculum in each class, please visit the year group pages.
To see an example of curriculum enhancement at Holy Family, please click on the attachement below: