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6th May Weds WEEK 3

Good morning everyone to the middle of the week .... hump day ..... get through today's learning and then the reward of the weekend is in sight! Remember this Friday is a Bank Holiday as well because we're marking the 75th anniversary of VE Day on the day itself. To start preparing for VE Day, you might like to start thinking about it today. So, what is VE Day? 

VE Day or 'Victory in Europe Day' marks the day towards the end of World War Two when fighting against Nazi Germany in Europe came to an end. Have an explore of the clips:

75th VE Day Offical Website What's On

KS2 BBC Video Clip What is VE Day?

VE Day in London 1945 Video Clip

Prime Minister Winston Churchill's Speech

Consider  why people were celebrating and why it's important that we remember it nowadays.

Begin to think about how you can mark VE Day. Perhaps you might  learn more about the role of the local area in the war by taking your daily exercise down to the local memorial if appropriate and safe?  You could take your sketchpad and try line and shading work to draw the local memorial (use a photograph if you can't visit) and try and capture the shadow and light. Or maybe you'd like to make some bunting using the colours of the Union Jack and plan some party food to eat to mark the end of the war in Europe. 

Thank you for the walk/scoot/run a mile pictures that are starting to come in. Please keep them coming in; they're great! 


So today there are new spellings to practise. Please see below for the new words and they are also on Spelling Shed. Some children may find additional words, set for them on Spelling Shed, to concentrate on first.

L.O. I can plan the events of a news story

They will plan the events of the news story they will be writing an opening for. (Iron Man breaks Free from Hill)

Look at the image of the Iron Man breaking free from the hill side. Recap features of newspaper opening. Who / what / where/ why / when.

Plan your writing ready for your Big Write tomorrow.

See planning template below


Maths - 

Please look at White Rose lesson 3 - Subtract Money

and complete the work as set below in the attachment. Answers also provided for your parents.

I have also put some Maths on Purplemash as a 2Do. Adding money, using different currencies, so I've also put on a matching currency game, with currencies from around the world. Also some times tables matching games for the 3x, 4x, 8x tables as these will be used in the next few lessons on White Rose. So if you get any time on the computer today, you could do that!


RE - Pentecost

Imagine you are the follower of Jesus in blue addressing the crowd (see attached powerpoint).
Write about the experience of Pentecost. Describe how the power and energy of the Pentecost experience has changed you.
Give reasons for your answer, making links to show how your feelings and beliefs affect your behaviour. Include the wonder and awe you experienced.