5. Friday 10th July
Good morning Year 2, another happy Friday! This would be out last full Friday in school, as next week would be a half day!
For our final Guided Reading session of Year Two, I'd like you to take some time just to read for pleasure. This means that you are reading just for the fun of it!
Maybe you have a favourite book that you want to go back to, or something new to start? Perhaps you can visit the library now that they are open and choose something new (not all of them are open yet, but Weybridge and Woking are). Find somewhere comfy to sit, if the weather is dry then read outside, this is my favourite thing to do! If you have a favourite reading spot you can always send me a photo of you in it. Over the Summer you might want to try and complete the Summer Reading Challenge below. Reading a big mixture of different books is really good for your brain and your imagination, so see how many you can tick off the list!
If you want an activity to do, why not try to design a brand new book cover for your favourite book?
For maths today, have a go at the time word problems, choose whichever group you are normally in for maths.
This afternoon complete something from the whole school learning page. There will be a live story this week at 1 o'clock, it will be our last one so I hope to see lots of you there! Bring your lunch along!
Have a great weekend Year 2!
Mrs Ferryman