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3. Wednesday 17th June

1. Phonics- please follow lesson 3 on our phonics page

2. Writing

Look at the 'How to write a postcard' powerpoint attached below. Then plan a postcard telling someone about what the seaside was like in the past. This can be done by making a list of the things you want to include in your postcard or by making a spider diagram of ideas. See template below. You can write sentences and draw pictures you help remind you.

You will be writing your postcard tomorrow.

3. Maths

Show children what clocks look like and ask them to identify the parts:

Discussion should include the order and positioning of the numbers on the clock and what they indicate. At this stage children are not required to tell the time to the hour. It  is important that children can distinguish between the hour and minute hand, realising that the longer hand is the minute hand and the shorter hand is the hour hand.
Ask questions such as:
How many numbers are on a clock? 
Where should the numbers go? What do they mean?
Which hand is the minute / hour hand? How do you know?

Practical task: create a clock (page 1). Use a split pin so that the hands will move so you can practise telling different times.

4. RE

Please complete the RE learning from our shared learning page. Holy Family whole school learning projects


Choose an activity to complete from the page below.

Holy Family whole school learning projects

Homework: maths. 

Consolidation- recognising coins and notes.