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3. Wednesday

Good morning, 

Please join me on teams at 8:40 to say good morning and explain the first part of this morning's work. 

In phonics today we are going to learn the 'ue' sound. Click here to see the video. Again you will need your whiteboard and pen for the last part of the video. Can you make any 'ue' words using flour, rice, cous cous in a tray? Or can you make any 'ue' sounds out of tin foil? 


Today in English you will be writing your own fact file about 1 planet using the facts you found out about yesterday. Click here to see Mrs Hadley's Power Point with voice over. Use the Power Point and work from yesterday to help you. Below I have attached the sheets for our fact file, these are for the different coloured groups, please select the sheet from the group your child is in. 

Please join me on teams at 11am to go over the Mathematics work. Today we will be subtracting. You will need the first, then, now sheet and something to use as counters. Could be lego, pasta, sweets, coins, buttons anything small you  might have at home that your child could move around on the board. Or if you wanted to be really creative, you could make this board on a large scale somewhere at home, with bigger counters. It's totally up to you! 

Today is a practical lesson, so they can carry on with this task with you after I log off. 

Please join me at 12:40 on teams to explain the Art lesson. We will be looking at art work by Andy Warhol. 

Art: In art today we are going to create a picture of planets in the style of Andy Warhol, a famous artist. His style of work is known as ‘pop art’ and is recreated in many different ways for artwork and decorations in people’s homes today. Look through the Power Point all about his life and explore the pictures of his work. What do you see? Is there a pattern in his style? Do you like his work? Video Link to Power Point
Then choose a planet and create a repeated picture of this. Change the colours each time to I keep with Warhol’s style.  See pictures below: 


PE- Mrs Hadley has created a Space adventure for your PE lesson today Click here and the video Power Point will take you on a space journey. 

Have a great day any questions please email me, 

Mrs Osborn