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21st April Tuesday

Hello everyone!

There is no spelling test today, as you did not have to learn any words over Easter. Perhaps you could spend 10 minutes on Spelling Shed though to keep your spelling skills going. New words coming tomorrow. The scores on Spelling Shed have dropped, as they work on a 7 day basis, so don't be surprised that your score has dropped / returned to 0. This means there is all to play for this week! Which class is going to be top this week and earn the top class certificate, and who is going to be in the top 3 individual spellers? Remember, I'll now look on a Thursday, towards the end of the day, to see how we've all done. 

To start us off today, have a go at the times tables test below. Either print them off or answer them verbally. Time yourself. Can you beat Batman?


Attached below is the extract to be read to the children, as well as Powerful Verbs worksheet. Powerful Verbs is an extension activity, which you can do orally, just by discussing and thinking about which is the best fit or write the sentences out to improve. No need to print.

(Parents: Please note a few things: 1) Apologies the reading link didn't work yesterday. I shall see what else I can find to share.  2) I know printing is difficult and expensive. I also know that it will work for some and not for others. Remember , the most important thing is the learning, whether that happens on a whiteboard, scrap paper, exercise book, a printed sheet, or practically and verbally. Please don't feel pressured to print out everything. 3) There is no need to order 'The Iron Man' unless you would like your own personal copy. There is a copy scanned on the summer learning at home web page, with an option to also borrow a copy of the book from school if you can come and collect  this Thursday (when I'm next in school). I will leave a socially distanced box of books outside in the porch area! If you can return 'The Butterfly Lion' too that would be great. No need for any contact.)

Learning Objective (linked to the Iron Man book) I can use adjectives, verbs and adverbs to describe

Today children look at the extract they read yesterday more closely and begin to develop their range of descriptive language related to the text for use later this week.

Explain to children that at the end of the week they will be writing poems. Explain to children that over the next few days we will be generating new vocabulary, questions and ideas about the Iron Man that we can use in our poems on Thursday.

Ask children to close their eyes then reread the opening of the story with children visualising the imagery in their head. Read aloud up to “A few rocks tumbled with him. Then. Silence.” 

I have recorded a video of myself reading the first part of Chapter 1 to listen to if you'd prefer. I'm facing the right way round this time!




Give child a piece of paper to draw the opening scene of the story. Share the book’s cover image. Children to annotate their drawing in the following ways:

– What can we see? Children use describing words adjectives   (grey, tall)

- What is happening? Children to use verbs. (doing words (fell, ran, blinked)

- How is it happening? Children to use adverbs  Adverbs: give more detail to the verb, how it is happening. (quickly, sharply)

Extend by asking them to use words in sentences and to use a thesaurus and dictionary to support their ideas.


We're going to continue our fractions work. Please watch the video and have a go at the questions below. Answers for your parents. 

Lesson 2 - Equivalent fractions (3)

Art and Design Technology

Research Clayton Bailey – recycled robot sculptures. See attachment below. This week can you design a model robot? Don't make it today, as you need to do something else this week for me with all the pieces. Instead, think about your robot and plan making it.  Collect all the materials you'll use. (Don’t build yet – you need the pieces to do your computing activity!) 

There is also an attachment below, if you need it, to draw your design on.


Have a look at the Robot - Sort the Sequence attachment below. If not printing them out, visually sort and discuss the algorithms / instructions. Perhaps you can design your own or give instructions verbally for an older person to move? The most important thing is that you understand the vocabulary used within this activity, as we will be developing these skills this term.

Blog today at 10.45 - 11.15. Have a great day and try to get out if you can. I'm writing this on Monday and we've just come back from a golf course really near us, that is normally full with golfers, but not at the moment. It  was a lovely walk round on the paths and got us all out of the house for an hour, which we needed to do!