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20th April Monday

Hello Year 3,

I hope you've managed to watch the little video I've uploaded and that everything makes sense. 

I'll be on the blog today on Purplemash at 10.45 and hopefully Mrs Scott will be able to join us as well!

So for today's learning:


No arithmetic today. Instead, try to catch up with:

Lesson 5 from the Spring Term - Equivalent fractions (1)

Watch the video link for the lesson on the linked website, then attempt the questions, as attached below. The answers are also there for your parents.

Then, complete Lesson 1 from the Summer Term - Equivalent Fractions (2)

Watch the video link for the lesson on the linked website, then attempt the questions, as attached below. The answers are also there for your parents.

If we can achieve this today, it means we can match up with the White Rose Home Learning schedule, making it easier for us all to follow. Thank you if you manage this. 


Monday 20th April

Monday’s School Reading Book  - I've removed this link as it's not working. I shall have a rethink for next week. Please do not worry about this today. Apologies.



Reading Comprehension - The Iron Man

Learning Objective: I can answer questions about what I have read

Today children are introduced to this new class story to generate enthusiasm, gain children’s interest in reading more of this story and to model strategies for reading and answering a variety of reading questions.

If your child needs support with reading and answering the questions, support them with doing this initially, but then try and remove your support. Your child should work on this for at least 30 – 45 minutes.  If needed, read the extract together, on the comprehension sheet – (Chapter 1 up to CRASHHH! in the Iron Man). Discuss the text. Model how to answer questions with your child focus on importance of making sense.  Many should be comfortable doing this independently.

See comprehension questions attached below. All children to have the same comprehension sheet – differentiated for all children through questions getting harder. Work through questions for at least 30 minutes.  (Week 1 Day 1 Reading Comprehension)

Discuss afterwards

-What kind of story do they think it is going to be?

- What do they think will happen next?

-What do they think the Iron Man is going to be like?

Review children’s answers. What evidence have children used to support their answers? See Answer sheet on Photocopy Masters document.

Encourage children to share their ideas about what might happen next, but insist that they explain their ideas using either references in the text or reasons related

to other similar stories that have read. Show children clip extract/5320.html

You could also try to do some P.E. today (maybe some Joe Wicks) and some music. I've uploaded some ideas from Mrs James on the Summer Home Learning page. One of my tasks today is to have a go at recording myself (the correct way!) reading the first chapter of the Iron Man for you. Have a great day!