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20. Friday 15th May

The blog has been taken over by someone special today! Log in between 11 and 1 to see who it is and what they have to ask...

Phonics- follow a lesson from our Phonics page. Remember to follow them in order and if you have watched all of the lessons try practising an alternative spelling for one of the sounds.

Writing- complete the reading comprehension about the layers of the ocean.


Handwriting- choose a letter from the handwriting sheets to practise. Really watch the formation of your child's letters. Then write some more words using this letter on the blank lines (page 2 of blank handwriting lines document).

RE- Today marks the end of our holy days and holidays topic. This session is meant to allow the children to reflect on what they have learnt. Start the session with a moment of quiet reflection.  Provide each child with the opportunity to engage with questions of meaning and purpose related to the experience of Holidays and Holydays.

Ask the children if there is anything they wonder about

  • Holidays being different from ordinary days.
  • Holidays being happy times.
  • Holidays are times to relax and do something different.
  • Thanking God for holidays and holy days.
  • The Holy Spirit is a guide and helper.

Provide the opportunity, possibly by one of the means above, for the children to remember

  • What a holy day is.
  • Pentecost is a holy day.
  • The promise Jesus made to his friends.
  • Pentecost: the birth of the Church.
  • The Good News of Jesus.

Activity- Go out and tell your family about the Good News of Jesus.  Try to do something for them to show that you have understood this message.

Choosing- take this time to choose a fun activity, play, or catch up on any lessons you have missed this week.