2. Tuesday 7th July 2020
Happy Tuesday to you all- the weeks go so fast! I hope that you all worked hard yesterday and enjoyed your home learning.
We are going to start today by looking at our spellings for this week- they all have the suffix -al. There is a powerpoint to help you attached at the bottom of the page. Don't forget to login to Spelling Shed to practice your spelling words.
Today we are going to read the next part of Chapter 7 together- click here.
For your main task today I would like you to imagine that you are Hamlet- what do you think he has been thinking throughout the story? What would he tell us about his life? I would like you to write Hamlet's thoughts in your book. You might want to write it like a diary or you may prefer to create your own mind map of Hamlet's thoughts.
This what I think some of his thoughts are:
That Chulack boy is really getting on my trunk. Do you know what he did today? He only went and charged people money to paint slogans all over my sides- I looked like a walking poster. Afterwards he said it's so he can get some money to run away together- but it was SO embarrassing. Lila laughed when she saw me- oh the shame! But I can't run away, no matter how much I hate being the Royal White Elephant. That would mean leaving Frangipani behind and I would miss her so much.
Use my example to get you started. Enjoy your writing!
For your maths today start by challenging yourself to complete your tables questions as quickly as you can. The questions are attached at the bottom of the page.
Our main maths task today continues our learning about shapes. Click here to watch a video to help you. The resources are added at the bottom of the page.