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2. Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good morning Year 5 home learners.

It is Tuesday today so you need to start by looking at your spellings for this week, they are attached at the bottom of the page. I have added them to Spelling Shed for you to do some extra practice. 


First let's read Chapter 5. I will add two attachments for this chapter as I can't send it as one.

Chapter 5 part 1

Chapter 5 part 2

Chapter 5 part 3

Answers these questions about what you have read in Chapter 5.

  1. Why did Lila’s heart sink?
  2. Why could she hardly speak to Razvani?
  3. What do you think the 3 gifts are, and how does Lila show them?
  4. What are Razvani’s body and face made out of?
  5. Why does Razvani laugh at Lila?
  6. What is Chulak’s role in the story?

Attached in resources is a letter for you to order- that is your next task. Reorganise the letter and write it in your book. 

Finally I would like you to draw an emotion graph for Lila. Think of words to describe Lila’s emotions during this chapter. Organise them from the most positive to the most negative and write them in the left hand column of the graph. Complete the emotions graph to show how Lila’s feelings change during Chapter Five. An example is attached at the bottom of the page.

Maths- complete some tables questions first. I have put up 40 questions this week- don't forget to time yourself.

Your maths video today helps you to learn about multiplying mixed numbers by integers. Click here to watch the video. The question sheets are attached at the bottom of the page.