2. Tuesday 19th May 2020
Good morning Year 5! It's Tuesday today- and the sun is due to shine all week.
Let's start Tuesday with a spring in our step- I think I will start by walking Arthur before I come to work. He loves going for walks with 2 of us or when we go out as a family, but he is not very keen when it is just one person taking him out. I think it is probably because he is very spoilt! He likes to follow someone which is why he prefers it if there is more than one person- each morning this week we are going to get one person to take him out to see if he gets any better.
English- Start by looking at your spellings for this week- we will be learning words that are spelt with "ere". There are some tricky words. I have put some of the words onto Spelling Shed for you. The powerpoint for your new spelling words is attached at the bottom of the page in our resources.
This week we are writing a suspense story so we are going to use today as a planning session, but first we are going to read Chapter 4 of The Firework Maker's Daughter.
Click here to read the first part of Chapter 4.
Click here to read the second part of Chapter 4.
In the resources section at the bottom of the page you will find a powerpoint with some questions about Chapter 4- look at it to help you think about the events that you have just read about. There are also some words for you to look up, see if you can find out what they mean.
Your task this morning is to plan a suspense story using Lila as your main character. Think about what suspense means and all the features that you looked at yesterday. Your story could be based on Lila finding her way into the Grotto of the Fire Fiend- think about what she might see and something that might happen to her. Use the planning sheet below to put your ideas together. Draw your plan as a storyboard. Add notes to each picture, you could use bullet points, that will remind you of the things you wanted to write.
Maths- start your maths session with some tables practice. You are working really hard on your tables and that will really help you in Year 6. This week we are going to use the inverse to complete 30 questions.
Today your main maths learning task is to add fraction- click here to watch the video. The worksheets are attached at the bottom of the page. I have added a page from Target Your Maths if you would like some extra practice. Choose the section that will challenge you A, B or C.
Your reading challenge today is to make a list of questions
you ask yourself as you read. You could use a book
that you are reading or The Firework Maker's Daughter.