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2. Tuesday 2nd June

Don't forget our webinar at 9:45 today! It will be lovely to see as many faces as possible on Microsoft Teams.

1. Poetry- seaside poems

Objective: Read, discuss, recite seaside poems. Read through the seaside poems attached below. Discuss what you like about the poems and what they're about. Do you have a favourite, why? Then choose one poem to learn and recite/perform to your family. You can use props or dressing up.

2. Maths

Please only do one choice! It will be more than enough.

Choice 1: White rose maths (activity attached below)

Choice 2: use the powerpoint attached on Monday's page and work your way through fluency questions (slides 14-15) from Lesson 2- Describe Position (1). Then complete activity below. Finally, complete reasoning questions from lesson powerpoint as a plenary/ consolidation of todays learning (slides 16-17). If possible this task could be completed outside or during a family walk using chalk to draw routes.


Choose an activity to complete from the page below.

Holy Family whole school learning projects

Homework: spelling words