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Wednesday 13th January 2021

Please join the teams meeting at 8:35 so I can say good morning and explain today’s work.

Phonics Today we will start phase 5 of letters and sounds ‘ie’ sound. Please cut out this flash card from your pack to show your child the new sound before you start the video.

See if they can find it on their phase 5 sound mat as well, can they find the ‘ay’ and ‘ou’ sound when you point to it. The children have an opportunity towards the end of the video to write down words with the new sound in. They can use their whiteboards and pens to do this.

Lesson 37 - Year 1 - YouTube Start the video at 6 minutes 22 seconds, it goes straight into the new sound. As some of the flashcards at the beginning are sounds we haven’t learnt yet.

Click on the link to watch the clip.

There are some extra phonics activities on the one drive, these are optional. 

English- I have added a PowerPoint for you to look through, this include a video of the moon landing and some voice clips. (I am not talking over this PowerPoint).

The children will be writing a diary entry from Neil Armstrong. Please see the PowerPoint, word mat and template to write on. The children can use all their knowledge from this week to help them; the story, history ordering and the PowerPoint in this lesson.

Mathematics- Please join me on teams at 11 am, I will show the children how to use a tens frame to work out number bonds to 20. Then write this as an addition sentence.

PM- Please join me on teams at 12:40, I will announce today’s star of the day (Please upload any work your child has done today for me to do this). Read a story about a planet and talk about the Art for today.


Today in Art I would like the children to make a planet from the solar system out of paper mache and to paint it when it dries. I appreciate this might take a while to complete, but I thought it might be a little project to keep you going. If you do not have the resources needed, then drawing or creating a planet or the planets from the solar system is fine. You can choose how you would like to do this, using anything you wish. It could be Art resources or lego or anything creative you can think of.

Add a photo onto one drive when you are done, if doing paper mache please just add it when you are done.

Here is a link of how to make the glue if you do not have PVA glue at home:

How to make paper mache glue: Homemade paste with flour and water - Kidspot

The children in school are doing PE today, so again please choose something active to do.

If you are unable to join the teams, they will be recorded and uploaded to the one drive folder for you to refer back to.

Any questions please email me at

Mrs Osborn