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Physical Education

“A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person.

And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints….” Pope Benedict XVI, 2010

PE is hugely important and integral part of the curriculum and wider school life at Holy Family. High quality PE and Sport has a very powerful impact on the all-round development of young people as it boosts achievement, builds essential communication and leadership skills, promotes diversity and inclusivity and teaches the importance of healthy, active lifestyles. At Holy Family School, we believe every child has a right to access high quality physical education and school sport and we are at the forefront of innovative and creative ways of teaching & learning. We were awarded the Gold School Games Award for 5 consecutive years from 2013 - 2017 and have been recognised by Sport England as a 'best practice school for PE & Sport'. We also received the Youth Sport Trust GOLD Award in 2016-2017.

In 2017 we were one of the first 100 schools in England to be awarded the prestigious Platinum Award for PE & Sport and we have once again been awarded Platinum for 2019 - 2021.

Our PE curriculum is designed and tailored to offer the broadest range of opportunities for all children thus promoting physical literacy. Through our teaching programme we aim to develop a deep understanding of key knowledge, skills & character traits such as co-ordination, agility, balance, speed of movement, stamina, strength, creativity, imagination, leadership, teamwork and an understanding of strategy and tactics in team games. All children receive a minimum of two specific PE sessions every week. Teachers use planning & resources from the Get Set4PE programme supplemented by additional plans.

Our PE curriculum is led by Mr Tindall/Miss Hunter and taught by Mr Seuke (Sports Coach) and the teaching staff of the school. Through creative, developmental use of the Primary Sports Premium Funding, we are working very hard to ensure the benefits of this funding have long-term sustainability. A major part of this is a carefully planned programme of staff CPD involving specific PE in-service training sessions for all staff, and joint teaching sessions with Mr Seuke supporting class teachers in delivering lessons. Specialist teachers or providers are also employed on a short term basis throughout the year to enhance and supplement the curriculum provision and knowledge of teaching staff eg dance specialism, hockey coaching.

In PE we widen and deepen the essential knowledge, skills and understanding of learners in a variety of ways.
Children understand the importance of keeping themselves healthy and understand that a healthy lifestyle can help to develop self-esteem and live a positive lifestyle. A range of activities, such as the Daily Mile and Active Maths, help children develop positive attitudes towards sport and fitness which enables them to share better habits with their families and friends.
During PE lessons, children are taught resilience and teamwork as they work together to develop their skills through self-challenges as well as team games. Children understand the importance of sportsmanship as all children will have the opportunity to compete in team events against other schools and also inter school events.
Children are inspired to try new sports and develop their self-belief as everyone is encouraged to try new skills. Through the vast variety of after-school clubs, children get the opportunity to widen their skill set and to develop their ambition by becoming part of wider teams in the local community. Children understand that sports isn’t just about an individual but learn to communicate effectively and work together with others.


We teach a full range of subjects in PE as required and set out by the government in the National Curriculum. These include gymnastics, dance, athletics, outdoor & adventurous activities, invasion games, bat & ball skills/games, swimming and cross country.

Pupil Voice questionnaires conducted during 2018-2019 highlighted PE as the most popular subject in the curriculum.

Assessment in PE is given the same degree of attention as core subject areas with all children assessed on their attainment and progress every half term and targets set for next steps development. We use the Get Set 4PE scheme of work and assessment system to ensure continuity, progression and challenge for all children.    

Please look at the various documents at the foot of this page for more information about PE & Sport at Holy Family. 

Image result for surrey ks1 star mark               Image result for yst gold award  Image result for school games platinum 2019

KS1 Level 3 award 2019

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Image result for surrey youth games 2020

Representing the school

We take part in many sporting fixtures and competitions each year. Our Under 10 netball team were particularly successful in 2018-2019 winning both the Elmbridge & Runnymede league and rally competitions. Congratulations girls!


PE, Physical activity and sport in the community

We encourage our children to participate in physical activity and sport outside of school. Currently our children are playing 20 different sports and members of 52 different sports clubs. Below are some links to local clubs attended by our children:  (football, multi-sports)   (football) (football)   (gymnastics)   (netball)   (judo)  (bmx cycling)  (rugby)  (basketball)  (boxing, gym  & fitness)  (cricket)  (golf)  (hockey)  (dance & gymnastics)  (horse riding)  (swimming)  (tennis)


Holy Family in the media!

Holy Family were chosen by Active Surrey to front the PALSS initiative across the county. PALSS aims to get all children more active during the school day through active bursts within lessons, active curriculum choices, active travel to school, active assemblies, homework and active playtimes.

Click on the link to a promotional video below to find out more:

Image result for holy family palss

We also featured on the BBC London News showcasing our active approach to the curriculum. Click on the link below for a shortened version of the BBC news report:

Image result for holy family bbc news

In 2018 we became Surrey County Champions and National Group 1 Champions in Panathlon. Our team, led by Miss Hunter & Miss Quinn, travelled to The Copper Box Arena at the London Olympic Park for the National Finals.  Over 1,000 schools from across the UK entered the Panathlon competition so our team really enjoyed a wonderful time and were rightly thrilled to return home with a trophy and medals:


Teach Active (formally Maths of the Day) chose Holy Family to be one of their main case study schools to showcase the impact of their teaching & learning programmes. In 2020 we officially became a Teach Active Ambassador school. The Holy Family case study is a prominent feature at the Teach Active stand during the YST national conference every year as well as being used on the dozens of teacher training programmes run by Teach Active across England and Wales every year.

Click on the link below to read our case study on the Teach Active website:

During the Spring 2020 closure of schools due to the coronavirus pandemic, Teach Active presented several live webinars to schools all across the UK. We were thrilled that our Headteacher was asked to lead one of these webinars which involved a 30 minute conversation and presentation about the way our children learn through being physically active and the positive impact this has had on self-confidence, engagement and outcomes.

Get Set4PE have asked Holy Family to provide their first  case study to further promote the fabulous work they do across the UK in helping over 600 schools deliver high quality PE. We are thrilled to be working with them. The Get Set team were in school all day on Monday 9th March filming lessons and talking to staff and children. Click on the link below to watch our case study video:

We are thrilled to announce a brand new partnership with The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden London  that will see actors and dancers coming to Holy Family to lead teacher training sessions based on their 'Create & Dance' cross-curricular programme. We are very proud to be working with such a prestigious world-renowned organisation. The sessions will begin during the Spring term 2022. Click on the link below for further details about the Create & Dance programme:

Improving facilities and opportunities for high quality PE

In recent years we have worked very hard to upgrade and improve our facilities for PE, sport and games. We are very grateful to the following charities who have supported us in our efforts:

During 2017 we successfully bid to the Big Lottery Fund to help us re-surface the KS2 playground. This had become slippery and uneven. We now have the benefit of a new two-coloured sports macadam surface marked with netball courts that is perfect for playing all outdoor games and physical activities.

During 2018, supported by the Parents Association, we transformed the battered tarmac EYFS playground and the grass in the Millennium Garden by installing an artificial grass surface for safe play. This has allowed children to play safely outdoors all year round. Both areas are also perfect for outdoor lessons including Active Maths, Active Literacy, art and design technology.

We were very fortunate during the summer of 2019 to be supported by the London Marathon Charitable Trust who provided a grant to allow the re-development of our school field. This included re-surfacing of our  football pitch, installation of a daily mile track and long jump pit and a new equipment storage shed . We are very grateful for their support. You can read more about this award by clicking on the link below:

Also during 2019, supported by The Xavier Catholic Education Trust, we renovated the school hall including significantly enhancing the quality of the floor. Our new floor has significantly improved indoor PE lessons and clubs in gymnastics, dance, multi-sports, judo, ballet, acrobatics, sports hall athletics as well as providing an excellent learning environment for lessons across the creative curriculum.