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Friday 22nd January

Good morning Year 6,

 Welcome to Friday! It was brilliant to share the details of the art competition with you yesterday.  This is the key information you need –

Remember that you can choose any of the projects on the downloads page and you can adapt if you like! Good Luck!

Here is today’s timetable

Early Work – arithmetic sheet - please aim to complete and mark, highlighting anything  you  cannot do. If you are finishing these quickly, time yourself and write your time at the top of the page. 

Maths – L.O. – I can divide decimals by integers. I will work through some examples with you before you complete work independently. Then, please work on textbook page 58– choose your level of learning. 

English – There will be a Spelling test of this week’s words.  

Then please finish  the reading comprehension paper from 2014 – final text – ‘White Fang’, this is in your learning pack.  If both paragraphs from this week are drafted and edited, you can upload to your one drive. You do not need to do the final write up yet. 

Reading Please read some non-fiction today and make sure you have recorded your reading in your reading journal.

Please find time today to watch Mr Tindall's Friday assembly click here 

Then – There are some lovely mindfulness colouring pages in your new pack – why not choose one to do?

This afternoon, for Fun Friday I would like you to choose something different to do. It could be arty, active or creative. You might want to practise a new skill, do something practical or even something musical. The choice is yours!

I hope you have a great weekend. Give yourselves another great big pat on the back for working so hard and being so brilliant; you are all SUPERSTARS!

Mrs Holt x